Picture of Juliana Maria Naval

Juliana Maria Naval


SSC Throws Virtual Batch Parties


A virtual party may seem impossible and boring, but the Supreme Student Council successfully organized another set of batch parties as they continue the tradition for three years in a row. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, batch parties were held virtually this school year through Zoom last February 26, May 7, and May 28 for grades 7,8, and 9 respectively. 

The theme for Grade 7’s batch party was CAMOU 3.0: Challenge Accepted! Moving Onwards and Upwards, which was inspired by the theme of the past two years of batch parties. The Grade 7 learners were divided into breakout rooms based on their section. The first game they played was entitled “Pansinin Niyo Ako” wherein three members were chosen to do a task that should be noticed by their classmates while they are playing other games. For the next game “Buoin Mo ‘ko”, the whole class solved a puzzle, followed by the game “Naririnig Mo ba Ako?” where students guessed the drawing on the screen based on the illustrations of their assigned artist who followed the instructions given by their assigned dictator. After that, they went back to the main room and played “Ibulong mo” where 5 representatives from each class were given a word and the students guessed the word based on the mouth movement of the representative. Grade 7-Bulacan emerged as the overall winner for the batch party. 

On the other hand, the theme for the Grade 8 Batch Party was entitled “In Black and White” inspired by monochrome movies from the 1950s to the 1960s. Learners were grouped based on their section and played three games in the breakout room. The first game was called “CLASSIC,” which challenged their knowledge about movies and actors. After that, they guessed the title of the movies and songs based on emojis in the game called “Take the Hint.” They also played the classic game “Pinoy Henyo” wherein one representative gave clues, while the whole class guessed the word. Going back to the main room, the sections competed against each other in the game called “Family Feud.” Ending the event, 8-Emilio Aguinaldo and 8-Efren Penaflorida were tied as winners for the event. 

Lastly, the Grade 9 learners celebrated their Batch Party with the theme “Money Heist,” based on a crime drama series on Netflix. The program started with a Fashion Show and a Question and Answer Portion for the representatives of each class. After that, they played two games in the breakout room entitled “123 shh,” which challenged students to count until the last member of the class without saying the number at the same time with anyone. The learners also showcased their singing skills in the game called  “Finish the Lyrics.” Moving back to the main room, the students played “Bring Me” as they showed the mentioned object in front of their screen. The event was concluded by the TikTok videos of each class, and the batch’s AVP. Grade 9- Our Lady of Fatima was hailed as the winning section for their party. 

The winning teams were given the prize to be excused from one House meeting and one club meeting for the following week. The success of the events was made possible by the cooperation of Setonians and the hard work of the Supreme Student Council supported by their adviser, Ms. Nenet Ayson. The batch parties gave learners a break from their academic activities while strengthening the bond with their batchmates, which gave them more memories to cherish even though it was done virtually. 

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