Petrice Angeli A. Guevarra

Gabriela Posadas
SSC Presents "Ready, SET-ON, Start!": What Should We Tune in On?
Last August 31, 2022, the newly elected student leaders of the Supreme Student Council (SSC) for the A.Y. 2022-2023, along with the Grade School Student Council and Family Council, were welcomed at their Oath-taking Ceremony led by Dr. Roberto T. Borromeo. This was done after the holy celebration at ESS-South’s Chapel during KamPiSe 2022, which was witnessed by Setonians present during the face-to-face KamPiSe event on the campus, alongside members of the school administration and faculty.
The SSC is composed of the Supreme Core, Graphics Committee, Outreach Committee, and Public Relations Committee. Each of them is made up of student leaders who are dedicated to representing the student body with their utmost effort.
Starting the academic year with a brand new logo and hashtag, #OneLevelUp, the organization presents the theme, “Ready, SET-ON, Start: Leveling Up and Beyond”. To give an insight into the thought process behind the theme and hashtag, SSC Chancellor, Trisha Rojales, stated in an interview that they thought of the final theme with the goal of wanting to encompass how the SSC will “work through our transition back to face-to-face classes” while helping in the “upkeep of a safe and fun learning environment”. Furthermore, Trisha says that some factors they considered while thinking of the theme were uniqueness and memorability—exhibiting a brand new era of the organization, always ready to serve the student body, “so that Setonians will be made known of our [SSC] presence both online and offline”.
When asked what message she can give to fellow Setonians about what is to be expected from the organization, Trisha added that some activities we can look forward to this school year, with everyone excited for the events to be held physically once again, are grand programs on the 25th of every month, concerts, and the traditional face-to-face batch parties, with the ultimate goal to “bring upon a new and memorable era of the SSC”. It was also mentioned that one of their goals is to formulate more exciting events focused on satisfying and catering to the students’ wants and needs. Looking back on the past two school years, one challenge the online setting brought was the implementation of traditional practices while still being able to instill the same energy and excitement as when they occur in person.
To conclude the interview, one quote that represents an idea the organization wants to strengthen, according to Trisha, is “As a leader… your principal job is to create an operating environment where others can do great things”. One of SSC’s biggest goals for this year is to be student-centered in all aspects, wanting Setonians to know that their voices are heard as they continuously listen to comments and suggestions while simultaneously creating an environment where everyone can “enjoy and grow as individuals working collectively”.
As everyone returns to in-person sessions after two years, the students are assured that the SSC will be walking and running alongside them during a brand new adventure as they progress one level higher at every step of the way—all together prepared to face and learn from the challenges that they will take on, more confidently than ever declaring “Ready, SET-ON, Start!”