Announcements and Events

Las Pinas Campus

South Campus

The Primary Division offers academic programs for pre-school education (Toddler to Kindergarten) and effectively promotes physical, social, intellectual, emotional and skills stimulation and value formation that efficiently prepare them to the initial stages of formal elementary schooling (Grade 1 to Grade 2).

The Grade School Division caters to a vibrant community of young learners (Grade 3 to Grade 6) in the elementary level.

The High School Division (Grade 7 to Grade 12) represents the final phase of basic education. It is focused in the preparation of students to be both college- and career-ready.

About Us

Why Choose Us?

For over 45 years Elizabeth Seton School has been a bastion for quality education guided by a noble mission of contributing to the integral growth and development of our Filipino youth by cultivating them to be authentic Christians, responsible Filipino citizens and life-long learners in constant pursuit of excellence.

Guided by the virtues of our patroness – faith, love, and selfless service, each Setonian is taught to strive for excellence and be part of the schools thrust to Learn, Lead, Serve, and Make a Difference.

Come, visit, and understand how Elizabeth Seton School can be your partner in educating your child. 

Contact Us

Las Piñas Campus

BF Resort Drive, BF Resort Village,

Las Piñas City, 1747

Tel: (02) 777 – 73866


Cavite Campus

Anabu II-D, City of Imus, Cavite

Tel: (046) 517 – 3866


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